Cartoon Animator 5
Issue 9264
Live DRAWING Layer (dynamic editable props) in CTA5
This new DRAWING LAYER (a dynamic editable prop) would enhance animations allowing the creator to simply take a stylus or mouse and draw on the drawing layer(s) (vector prop) in any frame using a vector brush or editable vector shape tool, to let the animator/artists add motion lines, enhance a scene, create a quick dynamically editable prop, or otherwise.

Right now, we have to go to a vector software, like illustrator, and draw things separately then import. That imported prop cannot be morphed, edited, vector points moved, easily without using the new FFD editor, but even that editor is limited, as the prop is still fixed in it's static shape.

I'm not asking Reallusion to recreate illustrator in CTA5, and in no way do we want a toon boom harmony or moho, if that's the reaction you are not understanding yet - but to implement a simple vector tool and drawing layer with two options. BRUSH and SHAPE, where we can draw objects, expressions, shapes, lines, etc. (props) on the new DRAWING layer(s), right in the CTA5 software, and edit those dynamic props within CTA5 stage.

Some use case examples:
- Draw expression lines fast and easy on a few frames without having to import each expression line, one at a time from outside program, sometimes needing 25 or more props just to draw something like shrinking lines, or fire, or smoke.
- Race care, horse, character, speeds across the screen. open up drawing layer, choose brush, draw a line on a few framed, done in 15 seconds or less, rather than 5 to 15 minutes importing (if you are good and fast) outside with programs.
- Draw a simple object or character quickly in CTA5, and apply Physics (new feature request: ).
- Draw over a scene with artistic hand drawn words on a few frames (in seconds, rather than 5 to 15 minutes outside importing into CTA5)
- add subtle enhancements to any object, character, scene by simply drawing it on those layers within CTA5
- animate a full sequence, and then save/crop that sequence (ie. fire, smoke, water, etc.) and sell on marketplace or in custom animations.

Some tool property ideas:
- brush
simply a vector brush with options of pointed ends, stylus pressure, rounded ends, square ends (basically how illustrator brush works)
- shape tool
simply a shape builder tool like in illustrator, where you can click and drag vector points to reshape from frame to frame
simply a color wheel option (already built in with recoloring tool in CTA5)

- each drawing on a new drawing layer is a separate object in the layer manager and that layer holds the drawings of that drawing layer, and is the same as an imported prop vector object, only it's created and can be edited live in the software
- each drawing layer is a dynamic (editable in CTA5) prop
- add as many drawing layers as desired (props)
- drawing would be on the X,Y,Z axis where layers is positioned in 3D view or default as if prop imported\

Essentially, this DRAWING LAYER would be the first true bridge over to frame by frame drawing animation in CTA5, as ONLY an enhancement tool, for quick expression lines, hand drawn texts, small props, etc. and would open up CTA5 to those who want to simply be more free to quickly create expressions, fill in art, simple objects, etc. in our animation timeline on the new DRAWING LAYER(s) as needed.

This would add another dynamic way to engage directly with CTA5 on the timeline where we are FREE to draw right on the timeline without having to do anything outside CTA5.

Grease pencil is a great example of this functionality in BLENDER, where the artists are free to draw in 3D space to enhance their scenes, characters and environments.

Right now there is no way for me to easily draw what the scene is missing in CTA5. Even just a movement gesture, let's say an arm waving very fast, I have to import a separate arm, pin its pivot point, lock it to the characters arm, and move it. If I could draw in-between motions with my stylus, it would be seconds to enhance that animated movement, rather than sometimes half an hour or more to import drawn assets, and make it work in CTA5.

This simple drawing layer would open up CTA5 to the first step of allowing, as an option, the user to draw on each frame as desired, doing what CTA5 is meant to do, save time, while opening up the free creative expression on the drawing layer.
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  693
Submitted byboxels
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that's the idea. thanks for the comments and feedback. This feedback section, having worked in the field of software development for some time, is a great way to pass ideas to the Reallusion development team, to let them decide how best to make something like this.
This is definitely something I would like to see. 

For additional animation tweaks like “speed lines” or little tweaks to add life.
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