Character Creator 3
Issue 5160
Importing a low-poli character (generated with CC3 Ppeline) into iClone
Hello RL,

this is not specifically a problem of CC3 but rather a problem of the pipeline CC3 to iClone.
When a CC3 character is reduced in poli-count (CC3 Pipeline new feature) and exported in FBX format, 3DX is not able to read and recognize it is a human character: it is requested to manually map the bones for a non-standard character.
This makes no sense at all and generates a lengthy process to import a CC3 low-poli character back to iClone.
Pls, fix 3DX so that it can recognize FBX characters generated by CC3 or at least provide a template for 1-click bone mapping, like in the case of 3D Max/May/etc.

Obviously, best solution would be to improve the low-poli export function in CC3 with the option to choose whether to generate the FBX file or generate the files directly in iAvatar format, or also send the low-poli character directly to iClone!


OS: Windows 10
  •  5
  •  3259
Submitted byRobertoColombo
The biggest problem that I see for exporting LOD via fbx to an iAvatar export is the fact that I ALWAYS need the export version of RL clothing even though the avatars will not leave the RL area.
I just want to polycrate my avatars and keep using them in RL.
I can also send avatars created in CC 3 (for example with Assassins and Wizards templates) via iAvatar to IClone 7 WITHOUT the need for the export version of this clone. With the LOD polyreduced fbx files, I MUST now have the export version of the clothes to be able to use them in IClone or to be able to reduce them via LOD at all.
Dante summed up my feelings as well:  "Being able to create low poly characters to use for iClone crowds is the only reason I paid for this product. I didn't expect to have to go through the workaround of having to use another program to do this. I expected the instant conversion to take place in CC3, and then allow me to save or export it as a .iAvatar right there on the spot."  I don't own any other 3D programs, I expect everything within the Reallusion world to "play well" with each other.
Being able to create low poly characters to use for iClone crowds is the only reason I paid for this product. I didn't expect to have to go through the workaround of having to use another program to do this. I expected the instant conversion to take place in CC3, and then allow me to save or export it as a .iAvatar right there on the spot. Was this an oversight?
I find 3dx7 will auto map body bones if avatar converted to Game bones before using remesher and exporting .fbx.
To get a reasonable workflow for generating crowds in iClone (the MAIN REASON why i bought CC3 Pipeline!)
please make "Send to iClone" for reduced (LOD mesh) characters possible...