3DXchange 6
Released in 6.54
Issue 2335
Importing Daz Studio 3D content - Your product Crashes beofre the import dialog even pops up.
Any time i apply custom shaders to my Daz figure, clothing, etc it causes 3d exchange to hang up )read 3d exchange is not responding). The files are relatively small (under 65 MB). What good is having spent a lot of time and money on custom iray shaders only to not be able to use them in the final render? As far as the Iclone experience goes, i am totally underwhelmed by the product and regret purchasing it and pre-ordering iclone 7. I have been to the market place and it is dismal to say the least. Products there look like they were modeled and textured by amateurs, there is no real content for character creator (thus why i am importing from daz). I use so many different 3D apps for various projects and unfortunately not recommend iclone to my clients from this point out. It is very much like a game cash grab with reallusion.
The Figure, morphs, props and animations tick boxes are checked, as well as embed textures, merge clothing, degraded skinning and scaling. Exporting as binary fbx 2012 and i have added the figure ignore to the export options. If i do not use shaders, its a crap shot as to whether exchange will crash or not.
Finally, i am running windows 10 (fully patched) with a core 17 chip, 32 gigs of memory and an nvidia 1060 gpu. Thanks for your attention on this matter, i have followed the community fixes before and have been able to import files in the past, however, anytime a custom shader is used, your app locks up like fort know.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  2866
Submitted bykos1969
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Skull,

I have got your files, thank you for preparing these files for us, we will check this issue both in 3DX6 and the coming 3DX7.

Thank's for your help

Best Regards,
Ok, Sorry about the tangent, this is kinda serious. It turns out not to be the shaders i suspect. In importing the FBX files back into DAZ studio, the figures i am having issues with have rigged hair assets that allow posing of the hair. I don't think that Exchange can handle the bone rigging when it tries to import the files. I don't really know. I am sending you the 3 files, one works, the other two do not and causes 3D exchange to lock up.
The first file is a file that will import, no custom shaders, no rigged assets other than the character figure. I will title the file Tanto. The second file has rigged hair and will not import, it hangs up Exchange, it will be titled Peroin. The third has rigged hair and wings as well as the figure, it creates a ctrl+alt+del situation with 3d exchange. Thanks for your time and attention on this matter.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Could you provide the Daz files to us to help improve the compatibility of 3DXchange?

And I also checked the "Suggestion" in category so that other issues you mentioned will help to improve quality of our products.

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and email the link with "FT2335" in the email title to

Your help is highly appreciated.
