I cannot change my password because my email address does not work, it has been desolved , removed. I need to change my email address from mbowcutt@gmx.com to bowcuttmike51@gmail.com
Why is it so hard to talk to you, I have spent thousands of dollars on your products and now I can't get any support. This is rediculous.!!! Please transfer my account to bowcuttmike51@gmail.com so I can log in and use the products you have sold me. Is this a problem to be able to change my email address, If so why, Why can't you talk to me so I can get going using this products of thousands of dollars MBOWCUTT@GMX.COM iS NO LONGER AVAILABLE!!! i CANNOT LOG IN OR CHANGE MY PASSWORD, My phone number is (509)768-0103, Mike bowcutt, Do something!!!! If you can't help me, then I will ask the BBB to help me.