iClone 8
Issue 10651

I hope someone create genitalia for both sex female and male. Its logical both have sex organs isent? cuz Iclone there are humans but they aren´t humans. Iclone dont have a lot followers even it is losing due to basic things. Good for animate cuz is dificult to do taht even in live, and it hasent basic things its a joke and pathetic. Daz studio is consedired the best software cuz u can do whatever u want is freedom. Becuase eveyone has right to do whatever he or she want isent?

I hope some day the official reallusion add genitalia, skin fold i hope somone day when may be in millions years later :(
Sadly i found some genitalia in marketplace but not talent because is not easy i know, and the official reallusion can do taht due to talented workers. but they dont want to add those, they add skin gen, tattoos, etc and basic things no, WTF???
If somone is very talented doing genitalia, skin fold and more things, pls let me contact and i pay i dont care about money i care of my busness cuz my clients want to see that, now seeing this, the only way to say to my clients "No i cant because reallusion is rabish there are not tecnology can do taht" its embarrasing and not convicing. And many manny people (millions and millions) is willing to pay those things, and reallusion will earn millions USD more than Dazstudio.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  257
Submitted byandreaperezgam