There really should be a "Product" category for Feedback Tracker.
It always seems dumb to report Feedback Tracker bugs and suggestions against iClone or another product.
There needs to be a "REJECTED" category for Issues Reallusion will not address.
For example, Issue #462 was reported against the Indigo plug-in way back on June 3, 2016.
It is unlikely to be addressed, yet the status is still listed as "Active."
There are also some very old ones in a "Hold" status.
So let's just be honest. If it's not going to be done, let us know.
(Feel free to use an appropriate synonym if you prefer.)
Somewhat related to Part 2, the status of "Active" is misleading.
I think it only means "We read it."
It certainly does not mean "active" in the normal sense of the word.
In most cases, "Idle" might be more accurate, sadly.
Perhaps "Received" or "Open" would be more appropriate.
Improve the maintenance of the issues.
Are "iClone 6" issues still relevant? Do we need to re-submit them?
A Reallusion person should read through the "Open" Issues when a new version is release, and if they are still relevant, perhaps change the version number and add a note such as "Originally reported against iClone 6.2."
Currently there is no way to know if "old" Issues are still really on a list, or if they have been abandoned.
Issue #462 - Still "Active" after more than 2 1/2 years: "iClone 6" Issues in "Hold" status: "iClone 6" Issues in "Active" status: really???? How "active" are they? Have they been forgotten, abandoned, rejected, or ignored?
Do you ever review them again after iClone 7 is released?
9 "iClone 6" Issues in "Assigned" status: to what? Or to whom? Some have been "Assigned" for over 2.5 years.