Character Creator 4
Released in 4.2
Issue 8957
FBX export with custom rlMotion animations fails to export complete animations
Steps to reproduce issue

1. In CC4, create a character, save and send to iClone
2. In iClone 8.1, create two custom animations on the timeline (using Edit Motion Layer), e.g one clip at frames 0-60, another clip at frames 100-160
3. Still in iClone 8.1, right-click the first clip in the timeline, "Save Motion Clip". Repeat for the second clip
4. In CC4, load a character and File -> Export -> FBX -> Clothed Character
5. Select Preset: Unreal, FBX Options: Mesh and Motion
6. Under "Include Motion", select Custom and add both of the rlMotion files saved in (3)
7. Uncheck "first frame in bind pose" (optional)
8. Export

Actual result

Only the first FBX track will include the animation correctly, the second clip will be a static pose for the length of the animation track.

If "first frame in bind pose" is left checked in step 7, the actual result will be animation tracks that start in the t-pose and take the length of the animation to reach the first frame of the rlMotion clip

Expected result

All animation tracks are included successfully
OS: Windows 11
  •  1
  •  1700
Submitted bypritesh.s
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi pritesh.s

Thanks for your feedback.
This problem has reported to our dev team.

Please feel free to contact us if any further question.