iClone 8
Issue 9335
Expanding the wrinkle system!! Plus few more things...
This new customizable wrinkle system could be greatly expanded!!

Please take the next step to include this system to the whole body and to acc/props. This is basically animatable textures based on deformations. Make it also animatable in the timeline for acc/props. This feature is definitely needed and could be used in many advanced projects. For example, a lot of people use it in UE to fake water-wave simulation by having animatable/changing textures. Just imagine having a creature with veins showing on top of the morphs or shapekeys that you have. This is the next level detailed stuff!

It doesn't need to be as advanced as what you have for the face right now or in a node-based system, and could be very simple in some kind of layer-based system. It needs to work in the curve editor though. Looks like you already have the technique to implement it!

It would be great if you could add an automatic eyelash fix just like the correct eyeblink feature.

One more thing to think about is adding the ability to export at (0,0,0) position for iClone and the morph editor, while retaining the animation/pose. When importing, it imports at (0,0,0) position then applies the original position automatically. This will save a lot of time.

Thank you for reading.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  240
Submitted byCola-42
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