iClone 8
Released in 8.1
Issue 8474
Should have an option to turn off gamepad
I just purchased and installed iclone 8 today, however when I opened it the first time I noticed the gizmo quickly drifts away from the camera view, as I checked objects in the scene, it turned out the default cemra is moving, and also everything else in the scene including the lights are keep moving too, the numbers in Move and Rotate on Modify panels are jumping crazily and randomly that makes it impossible to work on any projects.

I tried to uninstall everything including Reallusion Hub (I upgraded from iclone 7 and Character Creator 3 and I also own multiple plugins) but it doesn't help with the issue.

Then I tried to change settings in the preference, I found there are options for gamepad sensitivities, I lowered these values but nothing changes, then I restarted iclone 8 found the gizmo drifts much slower, I realized I have several Thrustmaster simulators (wheels, flying sticker, foot pedals...) connected to my PC, as soon as I unplugged them, the issue is gone.

I think in the preference setting you should give users an option to not active gamepad, otherwise, users like me gonna have to unplug a bunch of stuff from the back of our computers...
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byshenlijia130
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi shenlijia130,

You can turn off gamepad in Pregerence panel.

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