Character Creator 3
Issue 8131
Custom Decal Removal Crashes CC3 Pipeline
I was following along in CC3 with the Reallusion YouTube video, iClone 6 Tutorial - Custom Clothing Design with Professional Outfits, using the same MedEx character/outfit when I encountered a problem. Kai gets to the point of swapping out the custom MedEx logo decal with an image of the McDonald's logo in the Diffuse channel. I was able to do that. When I attempted to change the decal type from Custom to None, CC3 crashed due to a memory error. See the attached screen captures.

I also tried using decal slot that had no custom decal to start and the same problem occurs if the decal type is changed to Custom and then one attempts to change it back to None - regardless of whether a custom image was loaded or not.

I received the following reply from Admin:
Admin 9/21/2021 5:02 PM (UTC)
Dear Joe,

Thank you for contacting Reallusion.

That is defintely a bug. Could you please submit it in the Feedback Tracker?

In the meantime, select "None" from the "Type" menu to disable the decal. ...

My reply was:
9/21/2021 7:42 PM (UTC)

Thanks for your fast reply. I'll submit a Feedback Tracker report.

Regarding, "In the meantime, select "None" from the "Type" menu to disable the decal.", I have no None option under
Type. The screen capture shows all of the Type options that I have - regardless of whether a Decal channel is used
or not.

Joe Joyner


I uninstalled and reinstalled Professional Outfits - Cloth Bases for Character Creator. I loaded again the MedEx avatar and outfit. There was still no None option under Type in the Decal channels. I loaded two other avatar/outfits and the same thing there. I loaded two individual pieces of clothing from the Professional Outfits pack and still no None option under Type in the Decal channels.

I loaded the default CC3 avatar and clicked on the underwear bottom. It has the None option under Type. I then loaded Outfits_Male.ccAvatar which is not in the Professional Outfits pack. I clicked on the Plaid Punk Shirt; it too has the None option under Type in the Decal channels.

My conclusion is that none of the content in the Professional Outfits pack has the None option under Type in the Decal channels. Should it be there?
OS: Windows 10
  • Type options.jpg
  •  1
  •  1160
Submitted byjjoyner
I'm having the same problem with Professional Outfits, but just to confirm the crash happens with every single item of clothing. Even the CC3 default bra, as seen in the attached image.

It also seems to crash with any of the texture inputs, so as soon as you change them from Custom to None you get the attached error.
  • error.JPG