Crowd Generation Tool - iClone 8.52 - inpossible to work with - without docking - edless goes off the screen
60" monitor - 4k- even minimal scale of 100%(Windows 11 recomends 300%scale) and despie using minimal font size in iClone (text becomes 4mm - impossible to read from - 4 m) even WIndows recomended 350%) =the Crowd Generation Tool = NOT POSSIBLE TO DOCK = REVISE YOUR SOFTWARE AND MAKE IT ABLE TO DOCK ??? = The meny was way too long - beyond the bottom of screen (125%) - without -docking feature - for this pannel it is impossible to work and acces the bottom button. even with 2 vertically positioned monitors = and the same happened when I was using 1 - monitor only. also with 100% scaling = the text on the monitor is way too small (4 mm text = watching from 4 m???) I am sure your programers can do a better job. In adition - fix this quickly - or I will return this product