3DXchange 6
Issue 632
Crashes when importing fbx exported from DAZ
Steps to Repro:
1. Open 3DX
2. Either drag fbx into scene or select File... Open from the menu
3. Select "OK" at prompt to import FBX
4. Begins import with dialog boxes

Actual Results:
1. Program crashes (see screenshot)

Expected Results:
FBX imports and opens correctly

I was successfully loading the DAZ export until I went into DAZ and modified only 2 morphs. Now 3DXchange crashes every time when importing the fbx. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall 3DXchange with no luck.

Also, after installing the latest version, my version (6.5.1904.1) in "About" in 3DXchange (Pipeline) does not match what is listed on the Product Page of the latest (v.6.51.1927.1) and the latest patch (6.51) fails to install saying the patch is not for my version (although the 6.5 patch installs).
OS: Windows 10
  • Crash.PNG
  • Issue 632_1.JPG
  •  11
  •  8094
Submitted bygorbett
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Well, it looks like this 2 months old bug is not solved.

3dXchange 6.51.1927.1
iClone 6.51.3127.1
Windows 10 Pro.

I create a Genesis 3 Female in Daz, add one single morph Close/Open Eyes, export FBX 2012 bin with morph export option.
Import in 3dXchange is crashing on the spot.

Tested with Genesis 2 Female the same bug.

This is a very simple test case it should not be any problem reproducing/testing.

There is any way to downgrade to iClone / 3dXchange to a version without this bug.

So far it looks like the pipeline Daz -> iClone is not working, what are the options.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi gorbett,

Thank you very much for your updates.

Could you please tell us how large was the FBX file? It would be better if you could send the FBX file to

If the file is too large to send, please upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive or other cloud drive, then authorize us to access your account and download them.

Your generous help are greatly appreciated.

I had a similar problem with 3DXchange 6  crashing after sucessfully using it to import Daz characters. it just suddenly started to crash during importing
Check the FBX export dialogue in  DAZ Studio, make sure the FBX output option is selected to binary .
If it,s set to Ascii  it will crash 3DXchange  Mine was set to Binary but for some reason it had flipped to Ascii
once set to Binary the characters imported OK
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi jscowcroft,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

The problem you mentioned is a little bit different than this issue, in order for you to trace the problem, could you please report a new issue?

In addition, we may need a precise description of what you did so that we can clearly follow your actions and recreate the same situation. For you reference, please see the example as below:

1. Click the product’s icon on the Desktop or Start Menu
2. Wait for it to launch
3. Navigate to Content Manage > Project
4. Select a random project and click on “Apply”
5. See whether that project can successfully be applied

The project can’t be applied

The project can be applied

Furthermore, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide the project/character you applied to us. Please send these files to


Having a similar issue. I updated iClone and 3dexchange alternately so iClone first them 3dx. A model that I had successfully imported prior now crashes on import into 3dx, I don't even see him on the stage. The only change was adding the expressions and Visemes to the time line.
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