iClone 6
Not Reproducible
Issue 371
Cannot move the Red and Green Arrow
The Blue Up/Down arrow works and I cannot move the left/right (red) front/Back (green)
The gizmo works fine on scaling and rotation.
I rebooted and did not use any other product before I tested it and it does not respond.
Some people have never seen this. One person reported it intermittently. I see it all the time.

Lenovo Windows 8.1
OS: Mac OS X 10.6
  •  6
  •  5631
Submitted bylpatter
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi lpqtter,  

We’ve tried to reproduce it on Windows 10 & Windows 8.1, but the results were still positive. Could you please provide the Registry file of your computer to us?

Here’s the steps to save the Registry file:
1. Press “Win”+ “R” on keyboard, input “regedit” to Open, then click “OK”
2. On Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Reallusion > iClone > 6.0, right-click and select “Export”, save it to desktop and send it to:

Besides, we also recommend you to clean the Registry manually. Here’s the steps to clean the Registry:
1. Press “Win”+ “R” on keyboard, input “regedit” to Open, then click “OK”
2. On Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Reallusion > iClone 3DXchange, right-click and select “Delete”
3. Restart iClone, and repeat the steps you used to reproduce the issue 

I don't know how I can record the  red and green arrows NOT moving.
I can record the blue arrow moving the object up/down.
It is not complicated to reproduce it so I am convinced that you cannot reproduce it... yet.

I find that if I wait long enough you will eventually run into my problem and fix the thing you say that cannot be reproduced. And without changing anything I find that my problem is resolved.
It may be related to the  zoom and rotate being confused and will most often try to rotate and you can see the visible tool flip between the two states which your selection is visibly correct.
I also do not allow any other software on this computer so I cannot install the video recording product that you wish to see my movements.
Until then you can settle for these steps.
1. Restart iclone. (even reboot the computer to clear out the cobwebs)
2. It opens up to a new/default project
3. Load ball001 or ANY object you desire
4. Select the object and the gizmo appears
5. Try to move the ball in each of the three directions. The blue will move it up/down and the others will not move the ball. If I can't get it right on such an uncomplicated action then I am hopeless.

Until then I will settle for typing in the numbers to reposition the objects....ugh!!!

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi lpatter and Andrew.genaille,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

We tried to reproduce the issues that you submitted, but both of them are not reproducible on our computers.

For lpatter, we still need you to provide further details to reproduce “Cannot move the Red and Green Arrow”, it would be better if you could provide video or images to help identifying what’s the exact problem.

For Andrew.genaille, it seems that the issue you provided is not the same as “Cannot move the Red and Green Arrow”, we would very much like to help, but please open a new feedback about it.
I'm having the same issue. 

1) I open iclone 6
2) it happens when I drag a character creator character from the content manager I to the window view. 
3) the arrows are off to the side, as is the yellow selected outline.  Sometimes I have double or triple windows in the viewing window that also render out when I render. 
I found one consistent result yesterday.
I am finally able to move my prop if I am not viewing it close up. When at an extreme distance I can finally move it for the first time.
Just about anything I do will disable the move Gizmo for the left/right and front/back movement. Up/Down always works. But to rule out interference.
Restart the computer.
Open a new program. 6.42 pro
Add any 3D block (ball001) object or any prop /object
It appears about 3 to 4 squares from the front.
Try to move it left/right/back/front. It does not.
If I refocus from a distance it works, but if I press the "Home" and is now one square away it does not move.

So distance appears to cause it.
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