Issue 9464
CTA4 incompatibility ?
Hello, i asume CTA5 can import CTA4 projects. While doing so CTA5 seems to loose data while converting. A char that eyes were closed in the CTA4 project appeared open in CTA5. The Character in the zip is based on "Ted" and in the face key editor i used template: Sad 3.
I just found out that "eye squint right" and left has no effect on this character in CTA5. In CTA4 it has ! Furtheron the templates in the face key editor do not work on this specific char or only partly work. In cta4 where the project was started, it worked flawlessly.
See also attached Screenshots (zip) from the timeline showing missing keys in CTA5.
Sidenote: Importing a small project which takes not even a second to load into CTA4 taken about 100 times longer (a felt minute) when importing into CTA5 (suppose thats a conversion thing). When stored with CTA5 into a new project it loads fast then.
A few more issues i found while using CTA 502 full version :
(see attachement
- From save to save the following seems to get worse. See attached project: When using the face puppet editor on this CTA5 save, the mouth moves into a wrong position and becomes too large, no setting can fix this . Even the default template in the face key editor cant fix it. You must explicitely press the rest button under the deform tab to properly use templates. I have no idea how tis can happen, perhaps its a non CTA4 compatibility ? This project was started with cta4, then modified and saved a couple of times in cta5. (NOTE: in case cta4 projects are purposely not compatible, you may ignore this issue)
- CTA5.02 Face puppet window cant be closed with mouse, only with ESC. Not reproducable, seems to happen randomly while or after recording from this window, possibly when pressing SPACE at a wrong moment.
- Besides while recording from the face puppet window cta5 seems to hang a little, pressing SPACE too early or at the wrong time -seems- to make cta5 not respond for a few seconds.
- Copying/Moving/Deleting keys from the timeline (Faceclip/Head) takes ages (up to 15 sec. for just one key) compared to cta4.
OS: Win7/SP1 32gb Ram, I7 7600, GTX1080ti
Submitted byK_Digital
Apr 18, 2023