Cartoon Animator 5
Not Reproducible
Issue 11474
CTA cuts tiny edges of my images!
I noticed this before and found a workaround by going to composer mode, sprite editor, load to Photoshop and save again...
Though as I work a lot with image sequences now, this is SO annoying, and no way to do this for hundreds of images ;-(
Please check this!

I can send this sequence so you can check yourself...

OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  121
Submitted bytoystorylab
Thanx Allen for quick response!
Playing around with those settings resolved my issues!

For anyone encountering similar problems, this is what Allen wrote:
"You can adjust the subdivisions in order to make the object look smoother. The subdivision settings can be found in the lower half of the Bone Editor."

I noticed that my file became "bigger" (more MB) the more density, alignment and expand I used, tried Mask, Full and Grid with all settings to max.
All this made my issues disappear but increased file size. I went for Grid, on standard settings (Width and Height on 2) and issues also were gone, file even was a bit smaller...

Not sure whether Grid "standard" will work for all cases but I at least now know how to resolve this, thanx!
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Feedback Tracker Admin
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Please provide your “ctProject” file to help us identify the problem.

I can't watch your video, please describe the issue in a detailed step-by-step operation for us to reproduce. and capture a screen video about this issue, put it on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment.

You can attach the file in your next comment. If the file size is larger than 10MB, you can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. you can use private comment if you want to keep it private.
