There seems to be a random bug around Accurig. I rigged this char several times in result hand bones and legs werent moving. I saved the char several times and loaded it back into CC. Then overworked the bone positions in Accurig several times but without success. Then suddenly after another reload the bones were not where they are supposed to be (edit Pose). Then after using "Bind Skin" several times again the legs became movable, hands too but without the thumb.
Load the attached project - Note the position of the bones, they have been properly placed berforehand and Bind Skin had been used, the Project was saved - Click on accurig, the bones appear correctly but when closing Accurig and using Edit Pose they are off. - Go back to accurig, Click bind Skin again - Save the char - Reload it - Note the bones except the thumb are now in place when using Edit Pose
Hello, K_Digital
Thank you for your understanding.
Since AccuRIG is affected by the shape of the model, it's hard to calculate the skeleton and skin weights for characters with skeletal appearances like the one in the attached images.
Regarding Image 3, I reviewed the project you provided and noticed that the skin weights were not correctly applied.
However, I was unable to reproduce this issue with other characters.
If you find a stable way to reproduce the problem, please let us know.
Thank you!
Rigging such a a char may turn out with errors, ive been told in the forum that Accurig has problems with openings in meshes which i think can be tolerated
like on this problematic character. Any other char that i have rigged so far went fine.
Though the issue on pic No 3 is probably worth investigating because this may be a saving / loading bug.
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