CC4 Import / Blender Auto - Failed to load the file
Steps : 1) CC4 - Load any CC3 character (like Toon Figures). 2) CC4 - Modify > Convert CC3 to CC3+. 3) CC4 - Plugins > Blender Pipeline > Export ... fbx 4) Blender - Editing the fbx and export with CC3 add-on. 5) CC4 - import the edited .fbx : popup ...
"Failed to load the file"
PS: Success/No problem if step 2) is not processed. PS: Same problem occurred if only use CC4 for exporting and importing the converted CC3+ .fbx (i.e. without Blender Auto Plugin). PS: Facial profile / expression of the "edited" character becomes mess. This can be solved "artificially" but FRUSTRATED.