Issue 6636
CC3 Animation/Rig issue in Unity
I was encouraged by your support team to raise this as a potential bug. All details and images are in this post:'m not having these issues with other 3rd party models and you can see the side by side images show that the CC3 model pulls the knees up too high and/or the legs forward too much.
I think you may be able to replicate this by:
- Creating a standard humanoid character in CC3 and exporting to Unity as FBX.
- Download a free animation from Mixamo. The "Braced Hang to Crouch" might do the job.
- Download a Mixamo character as reference. Try Exo_Gray which has a typical humanoid setup.
- Test this the CC3 character's limb positions vs the Mixamo character and compare (like I did in my screenshots in the link) in Unity.
Submitted byHappyKat100
Jan 29, 2020