Character Creator 2
Released in 2.12
Issue 3443
CC2 Crash When Export Character as iAvatar for iClone 6
I created a new character in CC2 and exported it as iAvatar for iClone 7 with no problem
I then tried exporting it as iAvatar for iClone 6 and the error in the image below pops up at 60% completed.
No matter which button (Abort,Retry,Ignore) I press CC2 just shuts down and disappears.

I thought it was something to do with my outfit so I tried doing the same thing with your lady pirate and she exported fine.
So yes, something to do with my outfit but informing you of the way CC handles it, which is to shut down.
There is a error that CC is not handling in the code.

Did some more testing by removing cloth items and exporting and have found that the content part of my outfit that is causing it is the red hair wig.
This item is setup as hair in CC. If you need this so you can test it I will send it to you . Or can you load it from my store?

I have got around the issue by exporting the character to iClone 6 without the hair.
Saving the hair textures from CC2.
Sending the iClone6 character to CC1.5 and saved him
Re-Created the FBX character and outfit in CC1.5.
Added the textures to the hair and saved the hair.
Reloaded the character I saved in CC1.5 added the hair and sent him to iClone6. No problem.

Just informing you of the issue that happened when doing it from CC2.
OS: Windows 10
  • AssertionFailed.png
  •  0
  •  2432
Submitted byDelerna