Character Creator 3
Issue 7874
Blendshapes inconsistent between Body and Beards (Tested with EXplus facial profile)
When exporting a character to FBX there are inconsistency between the Body mesh and the beards/brows items from Smart Hair.
This occurs either while exporting to Blender or to Unity (I did not try other export method but I think it will be the same)

It happens regardless if the Beards/Brows are merged or not (if not merged then the extra blendshapes are on all those meshes but not on Body)

I've run a simple script in Unity to have a comparison list:

The Body mesh have by default 139 Blendshapes (138 without the merged Merged_Open_Mouth)
The Beard and Brows meshes have by default 146 Blendshapes (145 without the Merged_Open_Mouth)

The first problem is an obvious bug on the Beard/Brows meshes the blendshape at index 0 is "none"

The 6 other wrong blendshape that exist only on beards elements are related to the Jaw:

Those do not exist on the Body mesh.

This is extremely punitive when trying to setup some automatic system to script expressions in Unity for example. For performance reasons you get the Blendshapes by index. So it's easy to run a script that change let say index 5 Blendshape weight.
But if the 2 mesh does not share the same indexes then you get errors and wrong expressions.

The alternative is to first compare names and get the indexes but that's really not performant at all.

Can you please have a look and update those to make sure that both Body and Beard/Brows meshes share the same Blendshapes?

Thank you in advance for your support
OS: Windows 10
  • Wrong_Blendhshape_2.jpg
  • Wrong_Blendhshape_1.jpg
  •  1
  •  1534
Submitted byNecka
I'm facing the same issue with "Chinstrap Thick". But the similar beard / goatee named "Circle Thick" had the correct blendshape mapping in Unity.