iClone 8
Issue 9479
Bake reach targets is needed

Someone had reported this as a bug earlier and it was ultimately marked as 'not a bug' by support. I just wanted to bring this conversation up again though, as unless I am missing something on my side it seems like a workflow flaw by not having the ability to bake reach targets from the timeline.

Original Issue # 8652
Subject: "MISSING bake reach target BUTTON for iclone 8"

Here's where I am coming from --

I have motion capture animation which is being cleaned up on my timeline, then being stitched into one larger piece. Now that I have added constraints to the feet and hands, I realised I need to adjust the root/pivot point of one of my animation clips so that its root is at the world origin (it seems UE5 LiveLink doesn't work properly if this is not the case, as the offset in UE5 only looks at the difference between the objects skeleton/mesh and its own root/pivot point).

In order to move the animations root/pivot point to the world origin, I need to open 'Motion Direction Control' for that animation clip and zero out the translate and rotate. However I cannot do this if any links/constraints are on the clip - it gives me an error saying so.

Unless I am missing another workflow option, I now need to delete the reach targets I had added and correct my origin point, then redo the constraints again. On the original post, I believe it was suggested that we can bake constraints when saving to the motion clip library, however that's not something I am trying to do right now - its still a work in progress. Wouldn't I need to then delete the animation clip on my timeline and bring it back in from the motion library? Since this is just one clip of a larger scene, and there's audio files and other characters interacting with each other, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to bake the constraints without having to leave the timeline, in the same way that I can add animation layers and then collapse them.

Also just wanted to suggest another thing while on the topic. It would be incredible helpful to have a 'Sample root to origin' or equivalent, so that any translation I add, or pivot point offsets could be baked down and the clips pivot point could be automatically moved to the worlds origin point. Thanks!
OS: Windows 11
  •  3
  •  352
Submitted byhansolo007 Apr 24, 2023
Cted Jan 18, 2025
This is such an annoying bug, after all these years you'd expect this software to work. But it has the same issues.This feature is a necessity, I even baked, exported the animation and reimported it, the reach keys still persist. I have no clue how to resolve this. What a waste of time.
Such buggy software.
SCE Apr 13, 2024
I'd really like to be able to bake the reach key. It would save me a lot of time.
bad_character Nov 11, 2023
Yeah, I would love to know what is going on here. I thought that the menu item “flatten all constraints” or whatever its called would at least bake reach targets, but I've hit that a dozen times with every possible thing and layer selected, and instill have reach targets. How the heck do you bake these stupid things? Saving a motion clip is certainly not a solution here.