iClone 8
Released in 8.4
Issue 9495
[BUG] ActorCore characters show distorted limbs on a specific traditional (non-heightmap) terrain
NOTE: why is there no longer a bug tag? There are no General tags to choose from. This not a Pipeline problem, but I had to select something.

When placing an ActorCore character on a traditional (non-heightmap) terrain and then applying a pose or motion, the character's limbs are distorted. See image "ActorCore_on_traditional_terrain.jpg".

When converting the terrain to a prop and then recreating the scene, there is no distortion. See image "ActorCore_on_traditional_terrain_as_prop.jpg".

Note that after the conversion of the terrain to a prop, the character is still distorted; it is necessary to recreate the scene.

When recreating the scene with a heightmap terrain, there is no distortion. See image "ActorCore_on_heightmap_terrain.jpg".

This apparently occurs with a very specific (and very old) terrain, which I am attaching (Campus

Steps to reproduce:

1. Unzip "Campus" and load the terrain in a new project.

2. Place an ActorCore character on the terrain, for example "Casual_M_0031.iavatar".

3. Apply a pose to the character, for example "Standing_02.rlPose".

4. Notice the distortion of the left arm.

Desired result: applying poses and motions to ActorCore characters without distortion.
OS: Windows 10
  • ActorCore_on_traditional_terrain.jpg
  • ActorCore_on_traditional_terrain_as_prop.jpg
  • ActorCore_on_heightmap_terrain.jpg
  •  0
  •  325
Submitted byanimagic