iClone 7
Released in 7.8
Issue 6515
Adding IES to spotlight causes Iclone to close randomly
I am having a lot of problems, when I try to add an IES file to my spotlight, that it crashes Iclone.
Currently it always fails on the backhall light 1 or 2 (the one that doesn't have one)

It seems to happen more if you put a spotlight on the scene and bent it, and shape it .

I will upload the project file to dropbox.

here is the link:
OS: Windows 10
  •  8
  •  3802
Submitted bypka4916 Dec 10, 2019
1 2
WayN Feb 4, 2020
Hi pka4916,
Sorry for the late reply, we are still trying to reproduce your crash issue.
Currently, we can only tell it crashes because of Iray plugin.

One way to workaround is to rename the 'shared plugin' folder where Iray installed.
for example: C:\Program Files\Reallusion\Shared Plugins\ICIrayRender ➔
C:\Program Files\Reallusion\Shared Plugins_Backup\ICIrayRender
(only rename ICIrayRender folder won't work, need to rename the 'Shared Plugin' folder)
restart iClone, you can check no Iray plugin is loaded.
Then you can continue to edit the project.
When you are done editing and want to use Iray to render, you can use standalone render or restore the folder name, then restart AP.

Sorry again for your inconvenience.
We'll keep investigating and fix it.
Thank you for helping

pka4916 Dec 14, 2019
Here is a log and dump file.

as soon as I add an IES to the spotlight it will crash
pka4916 Dec 13, 2019
Any new link for the dump tool?
Working all day on a project, and all I added is 1 light.    and 20 + crashes..  
This is such a waste of time, and becoming very very frustrated.
Every move I do in Iclone is causing it to crash
pka4916 Dec 13, 2019
I tried the link for the dump file,  but i get this

Short URL ( not found

If you are the developer of this app, ensure that your Dynamic Links domain is correctly configured and that the path component of this URL is valid.
pka4916 Dec 13, 2019
Here is the project file.

There are 3 lights.   it works for the 1st one (closest one) but for the other ones it fails.
Just select the light drop an IES on the light, or on the icon on the right side,   and wait 5-20 seconds, and the program will close.
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