Character Creator 3
Issue 7583
A request by a costumer

It is not a software problem, it is just a request.

I am a dentist, orthodontist and have degree of Associate Professorship on this field. My main study area 3D diagnosis and treatment planning of teeth, jaws and face. That is reason of to but Reallusion softwares. I work with colourful scans of face and teeth (.OBJ and .PLY formats), also 3D reconstructions of facial hard and soft tissues (.STL format) in my private clinic and my ongoing academic career.

Dentistry and Plastic Surgery is evolving on digitalisation and 3D image processing. But all the 3D workflow is still going on static models. That is why I excited so much when I see that your software and hardware solutions of facial character creation and animations. I bought your products based on think of we can animate our patients faces for advance treatment planning. Unfortunately, I informed by your support service it is unable to import and convert any mesh to CC3 meshes except accessory imports.

I would like kindly request, please could you develop a tool for converting 3D meshes to CC3 mesh format. It has a big commercial potential for healthcare and cinema industry. Cause all people can scan their faces as 3D images with their Smartphones easily but it is unable to animating. You are only company have such a potential to do it.

I would like to support you to serve real patient records and to give all my knowledge to develop a workflow for such a project. I hope you may think positive about it.

Kindest regards,

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ilhan M Dagsuyu
OS: Windows 10
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  •  719
Submitted byDr Digital