Use the current 3D resources with Mechanic Tool Kit to make your car controllable by AML

How it works:

A. Get 3D Model.
B. Use 3DXchange to edit and export.
C. Use Mechanic Tool Kit in iClone3.
For more details, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.


Get 3D Model
1. You can use 3DXchange to download car models from Google 3D Warehouse.
2. You can also use the 3D model that you created


Use 3DXchange to edit and export


Car body
1. Load the 3D model that you created or downloaded.
2. Choose Align to Center to make your car at the center of the world axis.
3. Choose each wheel in 3D exchange, uncheck Included, export the model, and rename it (i.e. Car.vns).
Tip: If the model has too many hard edges, choose each of them and execute.
Auto Smooth, and adjust the value based on your needs.
1. Load the 3D model that you created r downloaded again.
2. Make which Mesh belong to the wheels that you need from the Scene Tree.
3. Choose all the wheel Mesh from step 2, execute Invert, and uncheck Included from Scene Tree.
4. Execute Align to Center to make the center of the wheel at the center of the world axis, and then rename it after you export it (i.e. Wheel.vns).


Use Mechanic Tool Kit in iClone3
Use Wheel Tools
1. Load Car.vns. Make it face the camera and adjust the size.
2. Load Wheel.vns, and adjust the scale based on car body. You may want to hide the car body to make this process easier.
3. Load Mechanic Tool Kit/Wheel_Tools/L_Front_Wheel.iprop
4. Assign Parrent of Wheel.vns to L_Front_Wheel.
Choose Wheel.vns, and click Pick Parent, and choose L_Front_Wheel to generate structure.
5. Set Opacity for Wheel Tool Material to 0.
6. Choose the top layer and click merge.
7. Display the car body, and place the wheels to appropriate locations.
8. Do the above process to the other wheels.
Use Spring Tools
Give your car the bumpy feeling while it's moving
1. Load iCar Body Shop/Mechanic Tool Kit/Spring_Tools/Stiff_Spring.iprop
2. Choose Car, and assign the Car Parrent to the top structure of Stiff_Spring.
3. Choose Wheel, and assign each Wheel Parent to the bottom structure.
4. Set Opacity for Spring Tool Material to 0.
5. Check to see if the naming is the same as the default setting in the Scen Manager.
6. Select Stiff_Spring and right click to load Four_Wheel_Stiff_Spring.aml
Preset DramaScript are located under.
C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 3\Template\iClone Template\DramaScript\iCar Body Shop\Mechanic Tool Kit


Fabrication complete.
You can control your car freely now by entering the Director mode.
Copyright © 2009 Reallusion, Inc.