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Step. 3 Puppeteer Controller

How to puppeteer your monster’s face and its body parts.

The UI of the Puppet Controller

Go to Actor > Avatar, and select a monster. Go to Set > Props and drag the Puppeteer Controller to the stage. You will then see the Avatar Toolkit panel, and you can drag the control point to practice and preview your puppet animation result. You can also individually control the monster’s Facial Expression, Eyes, Eyebrows, Ears, Fins and Tails.

Click the Record button and it will turn green , start recording as soon as you move the control
point. After releasing, it will return to red and stop recording (this also stops the movement
  of the timeline and the control point will remain at the last location). This design allows you to practice and
record your next session more easily.

If you prefer key-to-key animation editing, the Add Key tool is a good alternative which allows you to freely move and time your animation better. You can access Recorded Clips and Keys from thier corresponding Timeline - Animation tracks.


1. Facial Expression Control Panel
You can control the monster face, including the eyes, eyebrows, or ears to create different expressions such as surprised, happy, sad and others. Move the green control point to adjust.

2. Eye Control Panel
You can individually control all of separate eye parts such as the iris, eyelid, inner eyelid and eyeball direction. You can also adjust two eyes separately by clicking L or R, and you can use the Invert and Auto Blink effects as well. By controlling the minute details in the eyes, you can show a wide variety of different emotions, no matter how complex!

Eyeblink Eyelid
Eyeball Iris Size

If you want to apply more than one pair of eyes then you can click All to control all of them.

3. Eyebrow Control Panel
Move the green control point to adjust the eyebrow expression. Of course you can also toggle L or R to control individual or multiple eyebrows, and give them inverted effects.

4. Ear Control Panel
Move the green control point to adjust the ears. You can also drag the Front/Back bar to adjust the direction.

5. Fin/Tail/Wing Control Panel
Move the green dot to adjust the Fins and Tails. You may adjust the angles by using the Variation slider. You can also apply multiple fins and tails on the monster and control the same objects at the same time by selecting the 'All' box.


6. To further adjust your recorded animation, you can go to Timeline and edit the clips. First turn the "Object Related Track" option on, press Q to choose the "Selection Tool", then hold down the Ctrl key and click on targets so that you can open multiple timeline tracks. Turn the "Object Related Track" off first if you need to access the animation track for clips editing.
