Featured Studio - Zach Shelton (Willow Road Animation)

Zach Shelton

Zach Shelton is the director of Willow Road Animation studio which produces comic and short films. "Justice-For-Hire" Motion Comic is the film created using CrazyTalk Animator.


Create Motion Comics using CrazyTalk Animator

Interview with Zach Shelton about his experiences with CrazyTalk

Zach Shelton, director, Willow Road Animation met us at Reallusion's ComicCon booth in 2011 and shared their story of coming to Comic-Con and how CrazyTalk Animator played a big role in their film. Zach shares his experience in the following video interview we did with him the day after the premiere.The film, "Justice For Hire," motion-comic trailer DID premiere at Comic-Con's Martial Arts Film Festival.

The Reallusion experience at Comic-Con invited attendees to see the powerful, time-saving and budget-friendly tools for 2D and 3D animation. 2D Animators see how fast CrazyTalk Animator can animate their existing 2D illustrations or rig their custom sketchs or vectors into fully animated sprite-based characters. Facial animation is solved with CrazyTalk Animator. Define the character, record audio and see your comic panel or storyboards come to life. Previz and feature production artists applauded CrazyTalk as a "pocket knife," in the studio.

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