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From Script to Screen: Creating a Complete Animated Scene. 3 Days Webinar Series: March 7th-9th
Day 1 - Introduction & Scene Setup
This section of our webinar series is all about how to create your first scene, starting off from the basics. You'll learn about the UI of CTA 3, how to apply and customize props, as well as creating your very own custom props from scratch and environments according to your script.  You'll also learn about the basics of prop animation, how to import sounds and SFX, and more!
  • UI Introduction
  • Background Creation
  • Using Animated Props
  • Creating Custom Props
  • Adding Music & SFX
** Limited to 100 seats: If you can't attend the live webinar, register anyway and we'll send you a link to watch the replay. **
March 6th
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Day 2 - Character Creation & Customization 
No animation is complete without some stars to tell the story!  In part 2 of our webinar series, we'll explore how to create a variety of your very own characters using various methods, from creating your own simple free-bone actors to using the embedded body templates that are included with CTA 3. You'll also learn about the different types of characters and their different advantages.
  • Character Customization
  • Custom Head Creation
  • Free-bone Actor Creation
  • Using Actor Templates
March 7th
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Day 3 - Character Animation & Camerawork 
Now that you have a completed scene and a group of characters to tell your story, the next item of business is to animate them and get the camerawork done!  Character animation is one of the most powerful aspects of CTA 3, and in this webinar, you'll learn all about the various ways you can animate both body and face.  At the end of this webinar, we'll also show you how you can assemble all of your previous clips together into a complete package to render in Adobe Premiere.
  • Body Animation
  • Facial Animation
  • Camerawork
  • Rendering & Assembly in Adobe Premiere
March 8th
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What You can get
  1. Demo project from the day course
  2. $10 OFF coupon when you fill out the survey.
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100% recommend from attendees
I would recommend this webinar, is it a good introduction to CTA3 and some of the questions submitted by the participants and were answered covered some of the same areas that new users would have.
It was an excellent seminar with good Q&A. I saw more feature possibilities than I originally imagined. More on character, motion, prop and scene creation and import if created outside CTA
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