The 2022 Cartoon Animator "Animation At Work" Contest has come to a close after two months of exciting competition. With the participation of dozens of amazing animators, Cartoon Animator has proved once again that it is the tool of choice among different skill levels and project missions.
The "Animation At Work" contest was a runaway success that comprised of 169 submissions, with more creativity and skill in a single contest than we have ever witnessed. The entries include commercials, artworks, and YouTube videos made exclusively with Cartoon Animator 4. A huge thanks goes out to all the participants who rocked this event! Join us and check out the winners for Business & Commercial, Comics & Art, Education, Vertical Short, and Vlog/Vtuber categories.
The judging process for "Animation At Work 2022" proved to be quite difficult and thus took many hours of deliberation to come up with the final winners. Although the following entries did not get the top prizes, Reallusion felt the need to praise their outstanding workmanship and spirit of sharing with an honorable mention.