Home > iClone 5 > What's New > 5.3 New Features
Reallusion has been optimizing iClone5 to give users a more and more efficient production experience. In version 5.3, we have enhanced the animation workflow by allowing you to bake custom constraint keys into your motion clips and apply head morphing directly to characters. In addition, the iClone Mocap Plug-in has been improved to provide you with increased functionality. New improvements to the plug-in include the ability to capture head rotation, and a near mode that allows you to capture motions from an even closer distance! Read below for more info, and leave your comments in our forum.
iClone5 Enhancements in v.5.3
Bake Constraint Keys for Increased Functionality
Version 5.3 allows you to bake constraint keys into your iClone motion clips by toggling the option on/off in the modify panel. Previously, the character animation you generated from the reach target, link, path, and look-at could only be saved at the project level, which meant you couldn't apply the same motion to a separate character. However, with the option in the modify panel of the Animation – Motion area, now you can turn the constraint keys into iMotion clips, and export those motion clips to FBX or BVH format via the 3DXchange Pipeline!
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Morph-based Facial Animation Using Monster Workshop
iClone5.3 is the first update to include the highly anticipated morph-based head system. Not only does it demonstrate improved performance for different facial types such as cartoon or monster characters, but it also works incredibly well with the iClone voice lip-sync and facial puppeteering tools.
To utilize these unique facial expressions tools, you will need to have the new Monster Workshop Pack. All characters in this pack are specially designed with the morph-based head system, and come with their own corresponding facial puppet profiles. Check out the Monster Workshop plug-in in order to find out more about its rich additions to the content library and morph-ready monster models and accessories!
Smart Attachment for
iClone users no longer need to worry about misplaced accessories thanks to the addition of pivot data. When applying an accessory to any character, iClone will now smartly attach the accessory to the correct location with the right rotation regardless of the bone naming difference between character generations. This also works for 3DXchange5 imported Non-Standard Characters.
Message Panel Provides
More Information
iClone now features a message panel near the bottom of the screen, which will display important information such as error or warning messages for your reference to help you remove animation or scripting errors and improve your animation workflow.
Mocap Enhancements in v.5.3
Head Rotation
We've added the option of head rotation tracking, which can capture rotation around the x-axis and z-axis. This means you can now make your character nod with agreement, turn its head, or look from the left to the right.
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Near Mode
Now you can capture your motion closer to the camera even when sitting in front of the desk. We’ve updated the Mocap plug-in with Kinect for Windows 1.2, and thanks to the near mode, your motion data can be captured as close as 40cm to the sensor with full accuracy and precision.
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Other Enhancements in v.5.3
Microsoft Kinect for Windows Mocap Device
- Enhanced: Separated the "Material & Texture Settings" into 3 sections. It's now easier to fold/unfold material settings, which allows for quicker material picking and adjustment without the need to constantly scroll up and down the modify panel.
- Fixed: For a skinned prop rigged to several sub-nodes, you can now attach each node to a different character bone, and correctly display the skin-bone rigged result. You can save it together with a character, or delete the skinned prop without error.
- Product Name: Vatican Feel http://city.reallusion.com/ContentPreview.aspx?i=JICb9355afcd2a9d8d59&g=
*To find out how to use these new features, simply go to the Online Help and make a search for “iClone5.3 New Features”.