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iClone Plug-in


iClone is evolving into an OPEN program with robust extension capabilities. The fully-featured Motion LIVE mocap plug-in built with the iClone API, has demonstrated a new compatibility for plug-in designers to achieve technology integration with iClone. Creative users can now easily augment animation features, and add custom devices to iClone through Python scripting. iClone OPEN provides essential resources for developers who are interested in creating plug-ins for iClone. Read Wiki to understand how to build a plug-in, download showcase samples from GitHub, and visit the Forum to exchange the newest information with other

iClone developers


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iClone API

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To help you quickly get started on development, we provide learning documents along with several demo projects and sample codes. Three types of concepts include: increasing productivity, innovating your animations, and using hardware to control iClone. However, the possibilities of iClone plug-ins are infinite, and are not just limited to these three categories, as developers can boundlessly expand iClone’s features and usage scenarios.


Batch Render Folder

  • Generate a standard Windows UI with basic file loader and an action button.
  • Load multiple projects from a selected folder and render each one to a separate video.
  • The render export settings will follow their original project render settings.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Create a plug-in for iClone.
    • Create simple User Interface using a Qt UI file.
    • Load projects and use render-related APIs.

Group Manager

  • Create a scene tree graph for organizing scene objects.
  • Drag to arrange the selected item to preferable groups, or subsume certain groups under another group.
  • Show/hide multiple objects in the same group at once.
  • Rename and adjust the layer order.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Create UI using Pyside2.
    • Change and control object states.


Joint Driven Morph

  • Flex a character’s muscles via joint rotation.
  • Morph targets are predefined within the character in Morph Creator.
  • The morph level will be driven by the arm bend angle.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Retrieve a character’s bone rotation data.
    • Use arm flex angle to drive morph level.

Hand Gestures Puppeteering

  • Control hand gestures of a character with intuitive visual user interface.
  • Support two puppet blend modes: 2-point Blend mode or multi-point Blend mode. Switch modes using buttons or hotkey.
  • Press play to record puppet animation, and playback to see recorded results.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Simulate mocap device to control character motion.
    • Create advanced UI using QML.


Musical Keyboard

  • Hold or release keystroke for corresponding prop animation.
  • Combine several key presses to play harmony.
  • Use keystroke event to play sound and set audio clip.
  • Record audio and keystroke animation to timeline track.
  • Playback recorded animation and sound.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Use hotkeys to control props and emit sounds.

Light Remote Control

  • Control attributes of scene lights via an Android mobile app.
  • Turn On/Off and adjust each light intensity.

Learn from sample codes:

    • Use TCP/IP to connect iClone with mobile or other web apps.
    • Control iClone light props.
  • Required iClone v7.4 or above.
  • Please take note that all showcase plug-ins provided by Reallusion in GitHub* are mainly for demonstration purposes. Reallusion does not take responsibility for: the production results of using these showcase plug-ins, for maintaining these plug-ins over time, and for providing customer service for these plug-ins.
  • The Plug-in Marketplace is available to share, sell and download user-made plug-ins.

*GitHub is one of the largest software development platforms in the world, where developers can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside other developers.