iClone Unreal Live Link Free for Indies

The iClone Unreal Live Link was initially designed for large studios to streamline production by removing monotonous import/export procedures and focusing on content iteration. By connecting iClone's powerful character pipeline with Unreal Engine's cinematic tools, Reallusion provided a much more efficient process that significantly accelerated workflows everywhere for GameDev, Cinematography, AR/VR, as well as Live Performance.


Reallusion now wishes to further empower the entire 3D community by making the premium Unreal Live Link plug-in FREE to all indie users! So if you are a freelance artist, a solo developer, or just love making awesome stuff… then now you have free access to this powerful bridging tool, while taking advantage of Reallusion's new indie packages to create like a pro studio. Am I eligible for Indie License?

Why Unreal Users Choose iClone Unreal Live Link

Why Choosing iClone Unreal Live Link - Unrivaled character generation
1. Unrivaled Character Generation
Why Choosing iClone Unreal Live Link - Simplified Mocap for Face & Body
2. Simplified Mocap
for Face & Body
Why Choosing iClone Unreal Live Link - Massive Library of Unreal Compatible Motions
3. Massive Library of
Unreal Compatible Motions
Why Choosing iClone Unreal Live Link - Intuitive Motion Editing for Face & Body
4. Intuitive Motion Editing
for Face & Body
Why Choosing iClone Unreal Live Link - One-click transfer & animation live link
5. One-click Transfer
& Animation Live Link
Installation Guide | Workflow Tutorial

Outstanding Productions Powered by iClone & Unreal Engine

Showcase: Reallusion iClone & Character Creator Unreal Engine Pipeline

Who is eligible?

  • Your annual gross revenue from design work must be less than USD100,000 / year
  • Users who own the full version of iClone 8
  • Only one license per user /organization
  • Schools and educational institutions are excluded from this Indie License program

Please refer to the EULA [End User License Agreement] for specific details regarding these restrictions.


for Indie users who own iClone 8