Cone Twist (New for 5.1)

The Cone Twist constraint is most suitable for creating a hanging item that swings in a certain conal shape, such as a bird cage or a wind chime.

  1. Apply a prop (in this case, a bird cage). Transform it to a desired position, size and angle.
  2. Set the hanging prop as Dynamic and the stand that holds it as Kinematic so that you can control the latter one.
  3. Because the Dynamic rigid body will fall by default, you need to constraint it to the stand. In the Object Physics Settings panel, click the button to open the Constraint Settings panel (Shortcut: Shift + F10).
  4. Click the button and select Cone Twist constraint type from the list.
  5. In the Connection section, you can connect the constraint to the stand by clicking the Pick Target button and then selecting the stand. Please refer to the Setting Connection Relationship section for more information.
  6. In the Limit section, you are able to define the shape of the cone to set the range of animation.
    • A: Cone Radius (Local Z), 0 ~ 90
    • B: Cone Radius Y (Local Y), 0 ~ 90
    • C: Twist Angle (Local X), 0 ~ 180
    • Lock Radius Y: Set Cone Radius Y = Cone Radius.

    Because the Twist Angle maps to the X axis, you may need to adjust the direction of the pivot.

  7. Set transform keys or use prop puppe motion on the kinematic object to animate it. The dynamic one will then sway along with the kinematic object's movements.