Snap To or Follow Terrain

iClone allows you to drag and move actors or props along the terrain in three modes: Off, Snap to Terrain and Follow Terrain.

Drag and Drop a Prop to the Scene


Off is the method to move objects where the contours of the terrain have no effect. You can always move in any direction and the object will pass through the terrain as though it is not a solid object.

Snap to Terrain

When you drag an object to move along the terrain, the Move - Z data of the object adjusts automatically. This way the object's pivot will always move high and low along the contours of the terrain. This method is unrealistic for vehicles such as cars or bikes.

Snaps instantly when drag and move

Z value changes to snap the terrain

Follow Terrain

When you move an object along the terrain, not only the Move - Z data of the object adjust automatically, but the Rotate - X, Y, Z also adjusts because iClone tries to match the angle of Z-axis of the object with the Normal Directions of each face in the Terrain. This is the ideal method to use for all kinds of vehicles.

Snaps instantly when drag and move

Rotate - X, Y, Z changes to fit the normal

Z value changes to snap the terrain

Rotate - X, Y, Z changes to fit the normal