This unique track contains the idle motions of an actor. Since its priority is relatively low, the Idle motion will be ignored during playback if there is any Move, Perform, or Operate motion at the same frame. Please refer to The Rules of Animation Tracks section for more information.
Empty slots will always be filled up with the idle motions in the Director Mode when there are no Move or Perform motions.
Idle motions are generated automatically onto the Idle track each time the play head plays to a frame in which no idle motions are present in the Editor Mode when the feature is on.
Idle motions are randomly chosen from a pre-defined set of idle motions to fill the Idle track.
Auto Add Idle Motion feature is off by default. However, if you want to auto-generate idle motions in the Editor Mode, please follow the steps below:
Click the Idle track.
Go to the Modify page.
Check the Auto Add Idle Motion box.
Play the project and the idle track will be filled with new idle motions automatically.