Add, Import, Rename Commands

AML Script Editor allows you to add/delete , rename, import/export the commands and the clips. Follow the steps below to use each function button.

Add a new command

  1. Select one of the major commands you want to add.

  1. Click "Add". New idle has been added to the "Command Name" list.

Rename a command

  1. Double-click on the "NewIdleCMD" to change the selected command name.

  1. Add one more idle command and change the name to "Idle02".

Export command

  1. Export only the "Idle02" command for future reuse, have "Idle02" selected and click "Export iCommand".

Import Command

  1. Since you have saved the iCommand, "Idle02", you can now import it into any other new AML Scripts. Click "Import iCommand" and import the iCommand we have just exported.

  1. The iCommand is now included in the list. Now all the previous settings in "Idle02"will be set in this AML Script.

Delete Command

  1. Delete all the commands could be one of the options.

  1. Click "Delete All" to clear all the commands.

Note: If you want to delete individual command, please press "Delete" key on the keyboard. You may press "Delete All" button to delete all the commands in the list.
