In 3DXchange, any content that has Magenta text in it's scene tree is considered a trial version, and will cause watermarks to appear in the iClone project window when it is imported into your scene.
Trial content are highlighted in Magenta. |
Watermarks appear in the iClone Preview window. |
In order to freely use the content in iClone, you need to first purchase the iContent License.
There are three ways to start purchasing the iContent Licese in iClone or 3DXchange:
This message informs you that some iContent is not yet unavailable. Click the link to check the schedule for releasing the iContents. |
Click the Buy iContent to start purchasing iContent License through the online shopping cart. |
After entering the portal, you can start purchasing the iContent License through the online shopping cart.
The Update button in iClone. |
The watermark is removed. You may then freely use it as a regular object. |