If you intend to preview motions before purchasing them, then you may also follow the steps below for quickly acquiring them with 3DXchange for your iClone characters.
Click the Play button. |
Preview with the web player. |
Internet Explorer |
Firefox |
Google Chrome |
Click on the Open button to begin the download. |
Click on the OK button to confirm. |
Click on the button at the left-bottom of the browser to start the installation procedure. |
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[User Account]\My Documents\Downloads\ |
The installation file. |
The paths in which the installation file is kept. |
Using a default character to preview the motion. |
Using a motion bone to preview the motion. |
You may either click the Buy iContent or the Buy Export License buttons to buy the motion for free use within iClone or for exporting to other 3D tools. Please refer to the sections below for more information about the purchasing procedures: