Select a mesh node.
In the UV Settings section, choose the UV Type radio button that best suits the shape of the picked mesh.
Optionally adjust the Align direction, Offset, Tiling and Rotate values.
Click the Apply button to apply the new UV coordination of the mesh.
You may also click the Default button to discard all the adjustments and retrieve the initial UV type of the mesh.
You can use the following UV Types to wrap a bitmap image around a 3D surface regardless of its original UV coordinates. Simply choose the best UV type that fits the topology of your target 3D model.
UV Type: Planar |
UV Type: Planar |
UV Type: Planar |
Tile number - adjust the repeat number of the tile in X or Y direction, or fine tune the texture size. If the number is < 1, then it will enlarge the size of the texture. 3DXchange allows the number value to be changed in steps of 0.01
UV Offset - offset the texture location on the 3D object to fine tune the size and alignment (can be changed in steps of 0.01)
Rotation - rotate the texturing angle
Offset |
Initial Appearance |
Offset U: 0.1 |
Offset V: 0.1 |
Tiling |
Tiling U: 0.1 |
Tiling U: 5 |
Tiling U: 1 |
Tiling U: 5 |
Rotate Align: Z |
Initial Appearance |
Rotate: 30 |
Rotate: 60 |