Bug fix.
Corruption of the Template and Custom content paths after installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling a single application. Switching to a different "View Mode" while the application is booting will sometimes lead to a crash. Enhancement & bug fix.
Improved AccuPOSE subscription status and text updates.Fixed
Windows version detection fails under certain circumstances, causing AccuPOSE installation to also fail. Bug fix.
Fixed an issue where the default Content Path in Settings was not correctly applied. Improved multilingual translations for certain features. Enhanced functionalities.
Customize installation paths with new options for templates and file directories. Easily switch application languages for Applications product cards. Prime membership is now clearly marked in member data. Enhanced functionalities.
Blender Pipeline Plugin is available for installation. Bug fix.
Missing version numbers for later updates to Reallusion Hub. Forum Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Support page now includes a newsletter section. Related Marketplace recommendations are now promoted for every product.Enhanced
Optimized First Trial procedure for Reallusion applications. Slight improvements to product cards. Improvements to the product notification alert system. Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
New display mode for disabled serial numbers. Support for update method for upcoming AI-search service patch.Enhanced
The date-based version number is made more obvious with a distinct display for the Hub's Update page. Enhanced upcoming Workgroup service messages.Fixed
The "RLHostService" folder is unexpectedly removed when Hub installation is canceled midway. This missing folder causes the Smart Content Manager to malfunction. Inability to launch the support site when Attach my system & product information option is not enabled. Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Hub color theme options are now available. Notification Center now feature workgroup notifications. New one-click trial version updates. System information can now be exported (Menu > System Information). The latest release note can now be accessed from the Hub menu.Enhanced
Warnings about connectivity issues experienced during download and installation contain more robust information. The primary product card is now more clearly visible and easier to access. Products can now be easily uninstalled using one-click buttons. Enhanced functionalities.
Enhanced: Optimized AccuFACE installation process for professional graphics cards. Enhanced functionalities.
Added: Installation support for the forthcoming AccuFace Profile. Bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Fixed: On certain equipment with a screen pad, such as the ASUS Zenbook, the Hub's performance may be adversely impacted, leading to slowdowns. Forum Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Added: From now on, content recommendations will be offered for every product. Added: Product installations are now available for workgroups. Fixed: In a dual monitor configuration with significant resolution disparities, the Hub cannot be moved from the smaller screen to the larger one. Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Fixed: Fail to open Reallusion Hub when the program is pinned to the Taskbar and the window is maximized during an update. Forum Enhanced: Speed improvements were made to Reallusion Hub's initialization and update process. Several bug fixes and enhanced functionalities.
Added: Installation support for the forthcoming ZBrush Pose Link plugin. Added: View sizes are available in different resolutions to accommodate various screen sizes. Added: Interface language can be switched during runtime. The options are English, German, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. Added: Added options to "Submit a Support Ticket" and "Report an Issue" to automatically send system and product information. Fixed: The RL Hub fails to open when it is disabled in the Windows Task Scheduler. Fixed: Upgrading products from trial to full version fails when the RL Hub was preset to "Always use the default path". Fixed: Unauthorized popup of the RL Hub window when Cartoon Animator is launched. This happens to users who aren't Windows administrators. Fixed: Unwarranted UAC window appears for Windows users with account names that contain blank spaces. Fixed: When the screen resolution is set to 3840x2160 and the text scale is set to 150%, the hub resolution data incorrectly displays as "1920x1080". Fixed: RL Hub fails to display the login window on systems with certain Intel chipsets that use onboard graphics cards. Enhanced: Reduced CPU usage during Reallusion Hub initialization. FeedBack Tracker Major user interface update with several enhanced functionalities.
Added: Temporary path for downloaded installers. Added: Social media links: YouTube, Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Added: Asset store links: Content Store, Marketplace, and ActorCore. Added: Learning resource links for tutorials and manuals for each product. Added: Free pipeline add-on products like Unreal/Unity Auto Setup. Enhanced: New visual and layout design for user interface. Enhanced: Improved activation flow for updating trial to licensed software. More Version History in Previous Versions
Fixed: Reallusion Hub does not recognize 3DXChange 7 installation. Forum Enhanced: Reallusion Hub has upgraded to a 64-bit program. Enhanced: Download stability for trial and patch software. Fixed: Reallusion Hub failed to initialize due to NVIDIA RTX Quadro driver v516.59. Forum Fixed: Reallusion Hub crashed when a certain product runs and installs its own patch under some conditions. Added: "Redownload" function for incomplete or damaged downloaded files. Enhanced: Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) compatibility. Fixed: Reallusion Hub auto-update did not work in some conditions. Fixed: Failed to start Reallusion Hub when the system User Name included Fullwidth Form Space. Feedback Tracker Fixed: The EULA dialog prompted twice in some conditions. Fixed: Installing the full version of a Motion Live profile showed incorrect message with iClone 8 Trial version. Fixed: The System Information collection is not correct in some specific environments. Fixed: Reallusion Hub failed to start in some environments. Fixed: When user re-logined into his member account on iClone or Character Creator AP, the Reallusion Hub did not immediately update. Fixed: Clicking the product or update message did not work in some special environments. Added: Supports iClone 8 and Character Creator 4. Added: Provides "Hide Previous Version" in the Product Filter in order to make the product list simple. Enhanced: Optimize the flow when serial number verification failure. Fixed: The network stability issue while Hub running in certain environments. Feedback Tracker Added: A "Network Diagnostic" feature for self-examine network connection. Added: Entry for "Download Free Python Script" for iClone. Enhanced: Accuracy for serial number verification. Enhanced: Product download speed and stability. Added: The program now supports 4K high-resolution monitors. Enhanced: Improved download success rate during weak internet connection. Enhanced: No more UAC (User Account Control) warning messages when installing program. Enhanced: The installation flow for Character Creator 3. Fixed: Correct behavior when computer is offline. Fixed: Japanese version on Mac Retina screens that contained unclear text. Fixed: Clicking refresh caused the Hub to stall when logging in/out of Reallusion products. Added: Supports the Smart Gallery, a cloud-sync plug-in which aims to streamline your personal and group content management requirements. Added: Supports new Photopea PSD Editor Plug-in for Cartoon Animator 4. Enhanced: Supports macOS Catalina 10.15 (Mac Only). Enhanced: Improved product patch notification. Fixed: Failed to update Character Creator v3.11 patch for some environments. Feedback Tracker Added: Disabled the open program function when installing plug-ins. Added: Notify user to continue installing when the UAC (User Account Control) authority dialog expires. Enhanced: Optimized network check behavior when network is unstable. Fixed: Allow Mac users to reinstall the program even when incorrectly uninstalling the program. Added: Notification for future patches to Cartoon Animator language pack. Added: Support for Cartoon Animator 4 installation behavior. Added: Support link on the Menu in the right-top button. Enhanced: Cancelled the Special Mode for educational users. Fixed: The installation progress percentage was incorrect under some special conditions. Fixed: Character Creator Trial failed to launch, under some conditions, when updating patch. Fixed: Iray Render Plug-in installation was not dependent on iClone nor Character Creator. Added: Installer location allows user to manage programs in Settings. More > Added: Auto-install options for Resource Pack and Patch installation for main program installation. Added: Uninstall feature. Added: A new section for program downloading and installing. Added: Notification mark on the Hub icon when new patch(s) is(are) available. Added: Reallusion Hub version number under System Information. Enhanced: Download and installation stability. Enhanced: Install and update dependency to ensure compatibility among main programs and plugins. Fixed: Wrong deactivation URL link when iClone/Character Creator installation count exceeded license seat. Fixed: Failed to install some programs when PC username included special characters. Fixed: Some prouducts were not recognized by the Content Downloader when uninstalling the Reallusion Hub. Fixed: Failure to deliver message to some trial users. Added: Added system info to help users verify that they meet the product's minimum system requirements. Added: Supports new install behavior for upcoming Character Creator v3.0. Added: Supports Resource Pack installation for upcoming Character Creator v3.0. Added: Added tree structure for product list display. Enhanced: Enhanced login performance. Enhanced: Enhanced other general performances. Supports THE upcoming iClone Motion LIVE plug-in. The Reallusion Hub supports Facebook and Google quick login in. Stop / Pause button shows in download progress bar under some conditions. Added: Added "Hide Installed Plug-ins" on the product filter. Enhanced: Allows use of Unicode as a password during member login. Fixed: User Interface visual defects on MAC Proxy dialog. Fixed: Some program installations on special environments caused the Reallusion Hub to crash. Added: Added an "About Reallusion Hub" to link to the Reallusion Hub web page.