E3D Studio is only limited
by your imagination. Here are a few useful and enteraining
ways to use Effect3D Studio.
Comic Strip
Ever wanted to write a comic?
E3D Studio's cast of models
provide you with a huge selection of characters, animals,
objects, and scenery enabling you to use your imagination
and build a story.
image to enlarge >> <<
Click image to enlarge
Photo Compositing
your photography a whole new dimension with E3D Studio.
Easily import your photos as background images and compose
a E3D model along with the scene.
Effect3D Studio puts 750 3D models at your fintertips.
Use Effect3D Studio to add animated 3D images to your
PowerPoint presentations.
the slideshow - This online demo shows static images
only for faster loading on dial up computers. If you
would like to view the demo complete with image animations;
please download the .PPS file below.
3D Animation that imports directly
into Macromedia's Flash MX. E3D
Studio's cast of models provide you with a huge selection
of characters, animals, objects, and scenery enabling
you to use your imagination and build a story.
Space Invaders
Flash Game click image to play Space Invaders
Interactive Web Graphics
Effect3D Studio's Web Effects Composer quickly produces
interactive images ready for you to use on your website.
Choose to customize any creation with these effects:
Roll the mouse over the
image above. Create your own mouse rollovers with
Effect3D's Web Composer.
and Drag Click the image above to view
the demo.
Effect3D easily create click and drag images.
Slide Show
with Transition Effects Image transistions every 3 seconds.
Create slide shows with any of your images or E3D Studio