
Visual Reference Guide - 3D Objects
The reference guide shows visually how different parameters settings will affect your project. This guide is also useful in highlighting the flexibility of the Effect3D Studio application.

3D Objects
Effect3D Studio includes a vast collection of 700 3D objects cleverly categorized in the object gallery.


3D Photo Frames
When importing you own 2D images they can be applied to a 3D Photo Frame. The photo frame will adjust its width and height to match the dimensions of the image. The result can then be adjusted like any other 3D object.
Original Image  Easel Wood Frame
(cool cartoon effect)
Ornate Frame

3D Photo Frame Material
When altering the material settings the frame's appearance will change but the original imported image will remain the same.
Original Frame Material  Gray Frame Material  Rock Frame Material  Wood Frame Material 
Original Frame Material  Green Frame Material  Gradient Frame Material  Wave Frame Material 

3D Photo Frame Animation
Imported images can be masked and them animated just like any other 3D object.
+ =
Original Image 

3D Object Transformation
Use scale object to modify the dimensions of the object. Select X, Y or Z, then increase or decrease the value to increase or decrease a single axis of the object 1 percent at a time. The value can be between 0 ~ 250. This can be used to deform the object.
Original size
X=100, Y=100, Z=100 
X=100, Y=150, Z=100 X=100, Y=100, Z=20 X=150, Y=50, Z=150

3D Object Transformation
Rotate Object offset's the object from it's default position. Select X, Y or Z, then increase or decrease the value to offset the object 1 degree at a time. The value can be between 0 ~ 360. This can be used to alter how lighting and animation effects are applied to the object.
Original Orientation Original Orientation Original Orientation
Rotate X=90 Rotate X=90, Z=90 Rotate X=270 Rotate Z=90 Rotate X=50 Rotate X=240, Y=180
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