Professional vector designers and avid PSD pipeline artists alike can get all the free learning resources and support on creating their own characters.

Vector Resource
  • Character Template (.ai, .cdr, .afdesign, .svg)
  • Sample (.svg)
  • Whitepaper (.pdf)
PSD Resource
  • Character Template (.psd)
  • Sample (.psd)
  • Whitepaper (.pdf)
  • PSD Workflow Tutorial

* Artists using Illustrator, CorelDraw, Affinity Designer can access exclusive file formats of each tool in the vector resource package.

* Artists using Inkscape, Photopea and other vector tools can directly use the SVG templates to customize characters.

* PSD template files are compatible with mainstream raster image editors.



The Character Templates help whether vector or PSD designers to easily create different animatable characters by simply placing their body parts into their corresponding folders. This ensures that your vector / PSD characters will be ready to animate once imported into Cartoon Animator

create cartoon character - human bone

This template is a combination of the 3D motion dummy and the G3 human template with a hair structure added.

Sprite Hand_Front

create cartoon character - human bone

This template gives users more flexibility for creating side-view characters.

Sprite Hand_Side

create cartoon character - human bone

This human template has a bone for each finger joint along with two-part limbs.

Bone Hand_Front

create cartoon characterr - head

This template is the side-view of the “Bone Hand_Front” template.

Bone Hand_Side

create cartoon characterr - head

Use this head template to create a high-resolution face and extended bones for the character’s hair.


create cartoon character - quadruped

This template can animate dogs, cats, horses, or other four-legged creatures.


create cartoon character - wing bone

Cleverly use this templates to animate anything with paired movement.


create cartoon character spine bone

Deploy this template on creatures or objects like chains, fishes, caterpillars, or trees.


create cartoon character - human bone

The sizes of body parts of this template is close to the ratio of a real man. This could help users apply 3D motions smoothly.

Human (v4.4)

create cartoon character - human bone

This human template has bones for each finger along with 2 section limbs.

Human (v4.2)

create cartoon character - human bone

The character template with two-section limbs designed for CTA 4 G3 360 Human

Human (v4.0)

create cartoon characterr - head

Includes basic and full human (face and body) templates.

G3 Human (v3.0)

create cartoon characterr - head

Use talking head template to create a high-resolution face.

Talking Head

create cartoon character - quadruped

This template can animate dogs, cats, horses, or other four-legged creatures.


create cartoon character - wing bone

Cleverly use this templates to animate anything with paired movement.


create cartoon character spine bone

Deploy this template on creatures or objects like chains, fishes, caterpillars, or trees.



Examine fully functional PSD projects, and learn how each sample works. Create PSD actors by simply swapping body parts and refer to diagram images to make template-ready characters.

G3 Basic Human

Basic Human PSD Character

A basic Human character consists of 10 simple layers for you to easily get familiar with during the creation process.

create cartoon character PSD human
create cartoon character PSD human body

Full Front & Side

Full bodies with front and side angles that include a puppet-ready talking head. Learn how to add facial features on characters to make them talk.

High-Res Head & Features

Learn how to increase the resolution quality for facial features.

create cartoon character PSD human face

Hand Gestures

Learn about the 30 Hand Gestures to create different poses.

create cartoon character PSD human gesture

Full Sketched Character - Front/Side

Even a sketch or doodle can become a ready-to-be animated 10 layer character.

create cartoon character PSD sketch

Fully Functional Masked Eyes

Learn how to create your own rolling and blinking eyes with the use of masks.

create cartoon character PSD human eye

G3 360 Character

Full Body Human

Full bodies with Front and Side views that include a 360 talking head. You can try our Face Puppet to set facial expressions. Learn how to add facial features on characters to make them talk with gestures.

Bone Hand PSD Samples

With Bone Hand Samples, you can customize the hand by replacing the PSD hand layers. Simply move the dots to the finger joints, to create characters with rigged hands. Then, you can generate delicate finger animations through hand mocap or the Bone Hand Pose Editor.

Customize your Hands

Smooth Gesture Animations

Free Bone Human

Learn the 360 Head PSD structure for Free Bone characters, and see how to set expressions in Cartoon Animator.

A boar with Multi-Layer Head

Learn how to create characters
with pointy nose or mouth.

Expressive Sunflower -
Spine with 360 Head

You can also add a 360 Head to a Spine for more creative possibilities!

Quadruped Samples

Dog Sketch with
Talking Head

Create four-legged creatures with workable ears and tails.

create cartoon character PSD dog

Cat Doodle with
Talking head

Animate literally any character body and face.

create cartoon character PSD cat

Spine & Wing Samples


Create characters with down-ward facing chain movements.

create cartoon character PSD spine source


Create characters with up-ward facing chain movements.

create cartoon character PSD spine worm

Pumpkin Wings

Create and animate characters with dual paired movements.

create cartoon character PSD wings source

Free Bone Samples

Hierarchical Structures


Animate any character form with body parts, in multiple layers.

create cartoon character free bone1


Animate any one-image character thanks to the hierarchical bone structure.

create cartoon character free bone 2

Chain Structure

create cartoon character soldier-photoshop
create cartoon character UI-photoshop

Toy solider 1

Use simple bone names, and link character bone structures in Cartoon Animator.

create cartoon character UI-photoshop 2

Toy solider 2

Use bone hierarchy naming in the PSD layers, to directly convert them to CTA free-bone structures.

create cartoon character UI-photoshop 3

Toy solider 3

Match the bone names to the Character Templates, so that they are directly compatible with character motion libraries.


All image sources from sample projects will allow you to quickly understand and practice the character creation process. Inside you will find sample image sprites for you to easily test the entire workflow.

create cartoon character learning source


Learn to generate standard and “free-bone” characters in Cartoon Animator with the use of your favorite vector editor and a clear, standard approach. Create an unlimited amount of custom characters without spending much time on redundant steps.

Photoshop character template white paper
Photoshop character template white paper



Learn more about PSD Round-Trip Workflow