Left-side Tool Bar

You may use the features on the left-side tool bar to transform the actor, enter full-screen mode, or undo and redo actions.



(Shortcut: Windows - home; Mac - fn + Left Arrow Key)

Restore original position of the actor to the center of the project.


Move (Shortcut: M)

Press this button and drag in the working area to relocate the actor.


Rotate (Shortcut: R)

Press this button and drag in the working area to rotate the actor.


Scale (Shortcut: S)

Press this button and drag in the working area to resize the actor.


Full Screen

Click on this button to enter the Full Screen mode. Click it again or press ESC key to exit the mode.


Undo and Redo
(Shortcut: Windows - Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y;
Mac - ⌘ + Z / ⇧ + ⌘ + Z)

Click these two buttons to undo or redo the last actions.