Creating Follow-through or Anticipation

In CrazyTalk Pro, an actor can follow or anticipate the beats of the rhythm. Using the frame offset feature, you can set the time delay or advance to move each facial or body part in the auto motion.
Double-click on the Auto Motion clip, then click the Load Current Actor & Audio button on the top-left of the Auto Motion Settings panel to observe the current motion result before applying.

Offsetting Parts Motion

The Look Around template has been applied to the actor in the project. Now create a follow-through effect based on the newly-added body movements in the last section.

Master Movement - Body

  1. Under the Parts tab, press the Body Move button, then keep the Offset value at "0" in the numeric field besides the Down/Up slider to move the body down exactly on the beat.

Secondary Movement - Shoulders

  1. Select the Left Shoulder part, then set the same positive Offset value for the Left/Right and Down/Up sliders to postpone the move-up motions of the shoulders (unit: frame).
  2. Pick the Right Shoulder part, then set the same positive Offset value for the Left/Right and Down/Up sliders to postpone the move-up motions of the shoulders (unit: frame).

Third Movement - Head

  1. Press down the Head Rotate button, then increase the Offset value for the Down/Up and Swing CCW/CW sliders to make the head start to rotate a little bit later then the shoulders.
  2. Click the Preview button to playback. Along with the beats, the actor will move down the body first, move up the shoulders later, and then rotate the head after. Click the Apply button if you are satisfied with the result.

    If the motion result is too strong, you may switch to the Global tab and raise the Smooth value to make the motion appear smoother.