Applying Eyes and Teeth

CrazyTalk provides many virtual eyes and teeth templates for you to create a vivid talking actor.

Applying Eyes from Library

Switch the Content Manager to Actor >> 02_Eye >> Human, then drag and drop a suitable template from the library. The actor will wink.

Eye Setting

Click the Eye Setting button on the tool bar to access the Eye Setting panel. You may click and keep the Check Eyes button pressed to compare with the original.

Click and hold the Check Eyes button to view the original eyes.

After applying the human eye template from the library.

Optionally adjust the following options, and click the Preview and Close Eyes buttons at the bottom to view the modification results.
  • Eyeball-Iris: Adjust the Transform values to move the eyeballs down and scale up their size; adjust the Hue and Brightness values to make the eyeball color similar to the original color tone.



  • Eyeball-White: Decrease the Brightness value to make the eyes more realistic.



  • Eye Light: Adjust the Transform value to move and scale the eye light position, then increase the Brightness value to make the eye light similar to the original one.



  • Eyelash: Adjust the Transform values to scale down the length of the eyelash; adjust the Hue and Saturation values to best fit the natural hair color.



Applying Teeth from Library