Offsetting Part Motion

By offsetting the part motion, you can alter the combinations of the originally synchronized motions to something that isn't synchronized. This can help you create more realistic and random movements for your actor.

Offsetting Motions of a Single Part (Head Only)

In the following example, you will see how to offset the motions of a specific part to generate a waving-right head motion to the music.

  1. Make sure that your actor has been applied with a voice in Talk or Listen modes.
  2. Click the Auto Motion Setting button on the tool bar to display the panel.
  3. Click the Reset button to return to the default settings which will remove the actor's reaction to the audio.
  4. Switch to the Parts tab and select the Head Rotate button.
  5. Adjust the parameter value for the Head Rotate (the higher the value, the stronger the head rotates):
    • Swing (CCW/CW): Increase the value to make the head tilt right.
  6. Select the Head Move button.
  7. Adjust the settings for the Head Move:
    • Down/Up: Decrease the value to make the head move down.
    • Left/Right: Increase the value to make the head move right.
    The actor's head move in a linear fashion and rotate to the bottom right at the same time.
    Please refer to the Parts Movements for Auto Motion Settings Panel section for more information about the relationship between the movements and the sliders.
  8. Increase the Offset value in the numeric field besides the Left/Right slider.

    This step postpones the move-to-right motion for the head (unit: frame).

    The Theory of Offsetting

  9. To make the head motion more vivid, adjust the Head Rotate parameters:
    • Down/Up: Decrease the value to make the head rotate down.
    • Left/Right: Increase the value to make the head rotate right; also add the Offset value to make the head start to rotate right a little bit later.
  10. Click the Preview button to play back and view the motion in the preview pane of this panel in advance.
    * Please note that you can adjust the value during the preview playback to see the real-time result before applying.
  11. Click the Apply button if you are satisfied with the result.
Follow-through Effect for Different Parts (Head, Shoulders and Body)
Mixing Anticipation and Follow-through Skills (Facial Expression)