In CrazyTalk Animator, you can have characters, props and image layers show or hide during different time frames. However, since each object can only have
one path form (curve or line), then you may use the
Visible Setting option to have an object move with mixed path forms.
Using Visible Setting Effect to Show/Hide
As soon as you add them, effects in CrazyTalk Animator loop from the first to the last frame of the project. So if you need the effect to
start at a specific time frame, then you need to hide it until you want it to appear.
Load a project, switch to the Special FX >> Object.
Apply an effect from the library.
At the Start frame, select the effect and click the Show/Hide button. The eye button icon will then close
and the effect will be
When you need it to show up, simply click the Show/Hide button again to show
the effect.
Using Visible Settings to Create Combined Animation Effects
In CrazyTalk Animator, the moving path form of an object (character or prop) can only be a curve or a straight line.
If you save the object into the content library, then you may move the object with mixed path forms by using the Show/Hide feature.
If you want the character to kick the ball that is dropped from his hand, then the
path of the ball can be like this:
The path from the hand to the ground is not vertical.
Apply the same prop from the Content Manager, it will become the second prop in the project.
Have the first prop move along the vertical straight path.
Have the second prop move along the curve path.
Go to the start frame, hide the second prop by clicking the Show/Hide button. The button will change
and the second prop will now be hidden.
Go to the frame where the two props superimpose each other. Click the Show/Hide button again to show the second prop. Remember to select the first prop and
hide it with the same method.