Sean Hannity (Front & Side)

Sean Hannity (Front & Side)

Artist : Skull_Coast

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*For CTA v3.20.
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  • Character (2)
    Sean Hannity (Front), Sean Hannity (Side)
An amazingly detailed character by Skull Coast, LLC.

With this front and side facing Sean Hannity character pack (you save 10% buying the pack), you can take full advantage of CrazyTalk Animator's flexible bone system, making him bend and stretch however you'd like. Sean Hannity (front and side) also comes with full lip syncing mouths and facial sprites. Also included are multiple hand and eye sprites, and is designed to work with facial puppeteering.

If you're interested in politics, you can use the Sean Hannity (front and side) character to create your own news broadcasts or possibly grab his voice from videos to create your own YouTube parody videos.

If you are interested in creating an original character for you, please contact us at