QB-Lighthouse 01

QB-Lighthouse 01

Artist : WTH animation

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*For CTA v4.50 or above.
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  • Scene (3)
  • Prop (1)
'QB-Lighthouse 01' by WTHanimation - Warwick Hays

Three scenes of stylized Lighthouses. Minimal layers for simple setup and use.

This ctScene for Cartoon Animator 4 and up, is set up with basic layering for ease of use and the ability to move your characters and props about within the scene and be behind or in front of certain elements. 

Includes - x3 Background/Scene

See more of my work at https://www.facebook.com/wthanimation/

This download includes a Proof of Purchase token which should be kept for promotions on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wthanimation/